Our Latest and Future Events

D Day 80th Anniversary Celebration

Members and friends of our community commemorating/celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the D Day landings. It was a memorable day!

Lots of photos were taken and the link is below if you’d like to have a look.

Let the Christmas Festivities Begin

Enjoying Pre Christmas celebrations with our chair based and dancercise class members.


A fabulous show at Yeadon Town Hall Theatre and then to Murgatroyds for fish/chips afterwards.


Then 40 of our members enjoy Christmas lunch at the Lord D’arcy on 21 December.

Festive Afternoon Tea at the Community Coffee Stop

A lovely afternoon at the Community Coffee Stop, to celebrate the festive season.


ThankYou to Anne and her Elves and to our Community Support Police for helping host this event.

Public Meeting (local bus service) 23 Nov

Feedback from councillor Dan Cohen.


Many many thanks to the huge number of people who turned up for our public bus meeting this evening.


Thanks to my colleagues Neil & Lyn Buckley for their work in arranging the meeting and thanks too, to First for coming to speak to us and to listen.


It was very frustrating (I’m being polite) that the Mayors Office (The Combined Authority) chose not to attend, as their contribution might have been helpful. Unfortunately we can only invite them - we can’t force them to come and meet our residents.


Residents made sure that there was no doubt about the level of anger around the cancelling of the 48.


We shared with the meeting a letter from the Mayors office explaining that they would not subsidise the 48 as it didn’t merit subsidising (this is despite the fact that the Mayor hasn’t made use of a £50 million pound fund for subsidising bus services - and has returned the money to the council).


A takeaway that we will absolutely examine and take forward was what we can do (as a possible fix for now) to have a minibus service between the Wigton Moor Area and Moortown Corner to link in with some of the major routes into the city.


First did repeatedly make the point that the responsibility for ensuring services are kept running when they aren’t financially viable - but have a vital source social role - is the Mayor and her office.


Residents also raised concerns about the service 7S & 7A - its reliability and the number of times the service runs late or gets cancelled. A particular note was made of lack of reliability on the ‘commuter’ services in the morning and returning home in the evenings - along with Sunday daytime services.


I have been sure to raise directly with First all the issues residents braised with me.


The above is a very very brief summary. Again - thanks to all who came and also to Wigton Moor Church for kindly hoisting us.

Table Top Sale 4 Nov 2023

The church tabletop sale was a great success. The atmosphere was lovely and there were so many varied items being sold.


Thank You to all the volunteers who helped out on the morning - much appreciated and made the event run smoothly.


All proceeds to the church roof fund.


See Facebook (‘Wigton Moor United Reformed Church’) for pictures of individual tables.

Table Top Sale (Saturday 4th November)

HAREWOOD PARISH COUNCIL - Working together with our local (Wigton Moor) Community

Dear Friends
You may or may not have realised that Wigton Moor is represented on Harewood Parish Council as well as by our three Alwoodley Councillors on Leeds City Council.
On Harewood Parish Council we really are about the local area and very much have Wigton Moor as a primary commitment in North Leeds. Wigton Moor Church is also at the heart of Wigton Moor and on behalf of Harewood Parish Council I wondered if anyone from Wigton Moor Church would like to volunteer a small amount of time to represent Wigton Moor as a Parish Councillor, or knows anyone in the wider community who might be interested. The time commitment is not significant and local
knowledge would be invaluable in so many ways. We all need to work together, play our part together and most importantly show we care together about our community.


I will be only too happy to answer any questions regarding being a Councillor of Harewood Parish Council and what it entails.


Please feel free to email me at cllr.hforeman@harewoodparishcouncil.gov.uk or contact Moira (church secretary) with your contact details and I will be happy to speak with you.


I thank you in anticipation
Warmest regards
Councillor for Wigton Moor
Harewood Parish Council


We had a visit to our Tuesday ‘Coffee Stop’ by the Leeds Lodge Masons to see our new kitchen & experience the Coffee stop. It also gave us the opportunity to thank them for their generous donation, which bought the commercial dishwasher and bean to cup coffee machine.

The money came from the Province of Yorkshire West Riding Community Fund.

CANAL BOAT TRIP 18 August 2023

Despite the weather everyone enjoyed afternoon tea along the canal on a day trip to Skipton with church Adult Dance Class, Chair Based Exercise Class, and church members and friends from the Community Cafe.

Chair-based Excercise Class Outing

A lovely afternoon enjoying Fish & Chips at Murgatroyds, Yeadon, with my Alwoodley Chair Based Exercise and Dancercise class members! A wonderful development of my sessions is the social interaction which is so beneficial to all! A huge thankyou to Anne and John in the community for volunteering their time to support the sessions and socials!


Sessions at Wigton Moor Church, Alwoodley!🌻


Mon- Chair Based Exercise 10.30-11.15am


Weds- Chair Based Exercise 10.30-11.15am


Thurs- Dancercise 12.30-1.15pm


All sessions are £4pp with Tea and Coffee on Wednesdays and Thursdays! 💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽

Dedication Service (new kitchen and toilets)

Special dedication service by Tim for our new Kitchen(toilets) followed by a fellowship lunch to also give the opportunity to thank & bless the many people who made this possible after many years, the fundraising, donations & grants & time.


Also an opportunity to reflect how this will help our mission within the local community.

See the following for the fantastic photographs taken on the day by our official photographer, Malcolm - feel free to download specific photos if you want to have your own copy

Click Here

Coronation Community Party (8 May 2023)

As you can see everyone had a fantastic time celebrating King Charles Coronation - a big shout out to Anne and her team of helpers for organising the event, and to our wonderful pianist Karl Mullen for his contribution.

See the following for the fantastic photographs taken on the day by our official photographer, Malcolm - feel free to download specific photos if you want to have your own copy

Click Here


How wonderfully fitting for Pentecost that people from across the Leeds URC Partnership came together to share a picnic and worship in the gardens of the church - see pictures below.

Previous News and Events

NEW CLASSES for 2023

Pilates : Wednesday 6-9pm (Starts 4 Jan)

Adult Dance Class : Wednesday 1230-1315 (Starts 12 Jan)

Chair-based Exercise Class Xmas Meal

Chair-based class enjoying a lovely festive lunch at The Lord D’Arcy (14 Dec, 2022).

Community Cafe Christmas Party (2022)

Community Cafe has now broken up for Christmas, and will restart Tuesday 10th January 2023.

Merry Christmas everybody and thank-you for supporting us this year !

Christmas Lights (High Ash Drive) switch on

The Christmas Lights will be switched on at 1600 on Fri 2 December 2022.

The church is unable to provide anything special to support this event due to the current building work.

A big Thank You to the High Ash Drive Co-op who donated 20 bags of goodies to people living on the estate who live on their own. Santa’s Helpers from the Community Coffee Stop giving gifts to people who attend the Coffee Stop & Wigton Moor United Reformed Church. Thank you for your support.

We have been busy in lockdown producing this booklet. It has been hard not seeing everybody on a weekly basis with the arrival of Covid19, so hopefully these collection of recipes will remind you of the Community Coffee Stop. Details how to obtain a booklet are on the flyer.

COME-IN-CAFE on 22nd February 2020.

Our Come-in-Cafe was very successful and was extremely busy.We had 9 different homemade soups & a selection of homemade cakes & biscuits.It was lovely to see so many people coming to support us and enjoying the food & company.
We raised £364.50p towards our church building fund.Thankyou to all.

Film Afternoon on 2nd February 2020.

For our film afternoon we had 32 people watching a 2019 Disney film ( Lion King) and enjoying popcorn & choc ices in the interval. It was lovely to see so many children including some new faces to our church.
We hope to have another film event again in the future.

Celebrating the festive season at our Community Coffee Stop

So many of our regular customers helped to make the occassion special with afternoon tea, festive music from our pianist and a visit from Santa.We would like to thank Leeds Lions for their kind donation and not forgetting our volunteers dressed as Elves.

Chair-based Exercise Christmas Lunch

As you can see from the photographs. a good time was had by all at the chair-based exercise class and Christmas lunch on Friday

Christmas Lights Switch on

The new Christmas Lights on High Ash Drive were switched on for the first time on 1 December. Thanks to Harewood Parish Council and Leeds City Council for their help on this.

The church opened its doors and provided mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies, followed by some Christmas Carols.

The event proved to be a resounding success with somewhere between 100-150 members of the local Community in attendance, We would hope to repeat this event in future years.

fundraising Table Top sale

On Saturday 9th November 2019 the church held its first fundraising Table Top sale. It was a huge success, lots of lovely stall holders and many people attending to support us. We raised £519 to our Church Building Fund.


Fundraising Charity Concert

On Thursday 19th September 2019 we had our first concert which was a sell out. Thank you to Alan 'Uke' Harris with the Hot Rhythm & Dynamite Band, comedian Howard Lee & Alwoodley Singers for entertaining us. Also thankyou to the local community for supporting this event and we raised a magnificent £1,130. The proceeds will go to Dementia UK & the church building project.


Church Becoming Dementia Friendly

Recently some Coffee Stop Café volunteers and Elders received some Dementia training from a local facilitator. The facilitator gave us some insightful information, and tips to consider on how to help people with Dementia who may come to church or the Coffee stop Café.

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Our church news is updated as and when things happen, so stay in the loop!

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